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  1. Hello For your consideration and with much help and appreciation from a long time forum member, who has helped me on every aspect. I present, for sale, on behalf of the estate of collector, Professor George Stawn, who was a collector of swords mainly purchased thru the Tampa Sword show and of the well known collector, Bob Lightner. A wakizashi, Soshu Ju Yasutsugu, Muromachi era. With these kanji listed in Hawley as having worked in Sagam (Soshu) in 1504, 15 points. Presented in a deer hair scabbard with decent mounts, the blade is in good condition and in good polish. Complete with two sets of papers one from NBTHK and the other not. These photos are current as of this week and as there are a number of photos, I have attached a google drive link for viewing. For this beautiful piece I am asking $6,000.00 USD. Thank you Bob Rae https://drive.google...lg04JxZi?usp=sharing https://drive.google...KTQeSzDGrBBF5ZpDQsnv
  2. Dear members, I am offering here one of the swords that I bought from Markus Sesko, shortly before he left Salzburg/Austria and moved to the USA. The text describing the blade is his, as are the photos. Shobu zukuri Wakizashi The sword has no papers, only the certificate of Tsuruta from Aoi-Art. The nagasa is 48.7 cm, the sori is 1.8 cm, the motohaba is 2.51 cm, and the kasane is 0.55 cm. Tsuruta dates the blade to the Muromachi period and attributes it to the Sue Naminohira school. All in all, a slender, strongly curved wakizashi blade in Shirasaya with the typical features of later Kyushu work, i.e. a whitish, soft-looking jigane. The Hada does not stick out, but is visible. It occurs as a ko-itame with mokume in places and some nagare. The hamon is hardened in nie-deki and appears as a somewhat "frayed" suguha due to the nie-heavy hataraki running parallel to the habuchi. This is typical of Naminohira. The itame-nagare speaks for Sue-Naminohira, since ayasugi often occurs with older Naminohira blades. While the above characteristics were also applied by other Sue-koto schools, the steel color speaks for Kyushu, and there the characteristics conform best to Naminohira. I would like to primarily sell the blade in Europe to avoid customs formalities! Price: 880,00 €, the price does not include postage Kindest regards
  3. Hi All, I have this wak that seems to exhibit some old Yamato characteristics. The mei is Hiromitsu and I can't find any reference styles close to this other than Taema school. Any other leads?
  4. Hello hello, So happy to find this forum - So much knowlege in one place. I have inherited what appears to be a relitively old Wakizashi. I have tried my best to mess about in photoshop to try bring out the detail but it is very difficult. Would anyone be willing and able to help me out. This is my atempt so far; Side A: 年 ..... [Toshi (Chika)?] Side B: 日本 ....... [Nihon] I will update if I find out more of its history into the family. I will be looking into getting someone UK (Scotland) baced to "clean/restore" it if anyone has some suggestions that would be super helpful. Many thanks in advance, Dave.
  5. Recently I've got my hands on this wakizashi. Photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H3yFa5PmlRsTUmD4y-1E6mBPTispjeK2?usp=sharing It looks genuine and nice, but even though I like it, I would like to get some opinions from local experts. The waki does have a signature which seems to translate as Hankei (https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/HAN5). It also seems to got original koshirae with (possibly) silver plated habaki and gold plated seppa. What do you think about it? Also, it does not have any papers. Is it worth trying to sent it for judgement? With best wishes, Koltira
  6. Hello, My name is Thomas and I am new to the Forum, I acquired a little wakazashi sword in trade from a friend who collects all things sharp and pointy, he traded me this wakazashi that he got from a collector who got it from SleezeBay and it looks old but I know nothing about Nihonto blades, the blade measures 17.42" from the top of the brass collar and a full 18.26" from the handguard, the tang is about 5.1625" (5 1/8) roughly, it's very black and has the hole in it for the wood pin, has a nice sheath and a little knife on the side of it. So I traded him my wwii german bayonet cause he's into that stuff. I am 1/4 Japanese and no nothing about my Grandmother's culture, kind of embarrassing. Lol! Just want to know if this is a good Wakazashi I will try to upload more pics but having some issues. Thankyou
  7. Wakizashi – 45.8 cm NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho paper Era: Nanbokuchō to Muromachi period - 1350-1450 Style: Shinogi Tsukuri Nagamaki Condition: Very Fine Nakago: O-Suriage – Kiri Yasurmei Jitetsu: Itame hada - well grained with attached Ji-Nie. Bo-Utsuri appears. Hamon: Niedeki Gunome/midare with deep Nioi Guchi through to the Boshi Koshirae: All matching lobster style with silver and gold highlights. Signed Tsuba (Naoyuki 直随). Remarks: The sword is the work of the Bizen Yoshii School. This unusual blade is in the Nagamaki style with an oversized Kissaki. The jitetsu is in Itame hada - well grained with attached Ji-Nie, Bo-Utsuri appears. The hada is prominent. The hamon is Niedeki Gunome/midare with deep Nioi Guchi through to the Boshi as illustrated. The blade is in good polish and is very healthy with a NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho paper indicative of its quality. The matching original Koshirae in the lobster design really sets up this marvellous sword. The signed Bronze Tsuba by Naoyuki is engraved with a scene of an old Chinese story of a man playing with the wind blowing up a storm. The Kashira and Kurikata is a bronze engraving of the God Daruma Bodhidharima. It has touches of gold and silver. The menuki and Kogatana in a copper and bronze alloy has an engraved Lobster motif with touches of gold color. All together a stunning and unique work of art, Did the best I could with my first attempt at some macro-photography of the blade, hope the photos are OK. Asking $6500 CAD + shipping and insurance, or best reasonable offer.
  8. Hello, I managed to get my hands on a Wakizashi blade, but it's Mumei and without any kind of certificate. It's very rusty and I don't know enough about blades to try and date it. Is it even Nihonto ? The lack of signature makes me think that it wouldn't be a cheap copy since a fake would actually aim for a signature. I've noticed strange marks on the Nakago too, about 4 filing marks ? It's about 57 centimeters in length overall. The Kisseki seems to be a little chipped too. I'm unsure if I'm managing to see faint traces of a hamon or if it's just the rust. Anything you can tell me about the blade ? I'd be interested in having is restored if possible (I don't mind if it's not worth it, I'd just like to give it a second life if it's a genuine blade). I tried to take high res pictures.
  9. Forumites, I have just gotten a decent size curio cabinet and set it up in my office. Here are a few pictures as it is now. I am waiting for some tsuba and sword stands that I purchased from members of the NMB in order to fill the cabinet up with more of my 'stuff'. Warm Regards, Jesse Office 6.jfif
  10. Bought this the other day thinking it might be cool to restore. The tang looks to have been cut down at some point and has no signature. Scabbard looks like a shin gunto combat cover, but I'm new to this and I could be completely wrong. If it is what tsuba and tsuka would be correct?
  11. First off, I hope those of you at the Chicago show are having a great time on day 1. Hope to make it to one once I am back State-side. For those of us stuck at home, as promised the last in the series and it is for the Soshu crowd -- This sword is an osuriage wakizashi which appears to be a Nanbokucho-period naginata/nagamaki-naoshi. With ato-bori bo-hi and the kaeri looks intact to me. Although a commenter did think it was rather a shobu zukuri tanto or ko-wakazashi. It has itame jihada with nie arcing out of the hamon becoming chikei in the ji. The hamon is midare, with some gonome-midare. Like the Bizen in #2 I do plan to send this to NBTHK shinsa once global shipping is more reliable and will update the thread then. This was also featured on the forum for purchase so some of you may have seen glimpses of it before (hint hint to those looking for a first piece, some great deals here on the NMB with some patience ). Again credit to @Ray Singer for the better photos. to everyone for taking a look, I hope the series provided some examples of various smiths and traditions until we can all get out and view more swords comfortably again. Nagasa: 41.1cm moto-haba: 31mm 7mm thick at the shinogi The sword has two old attributions: an early 1962 green paper to Naoe Shizu and an old sayagaki from Honami Koson to Sa Kunihiro. (Those are lights reflected int he boshi along the edge...)
  12. Hey! This is my first Nihonto I got from eBay for 100$. Was hoping to maybe get any info on it anyone may know like how old the blade is. Also wanted to ask if the crack in the blade would be consider “unrestorable” if I sent it to a professional. Thanks in advanced!
  13. Hello everyone, My sword has arrived, I am working on getting the best photos I can for a Kantei. SUGHATA, HADA, HAMON. First to get Nengo, School, and maybe smith I will donate to the NMB. Second part is a translation, in which I will also provide a donation to the NMB. Nagasa 19.9in. Hamachi 1.1in. Sori 0.55in. Kissaki 0.78in. Kasane 0.28in.
  14. I was wondering if anyone could give me some info on this sword. What I know is it came home from New Guinea with my grandfather after he was wounded in battle at Gona around end of 1942 - start of 1943. Not sure if he got it from the battle field or later after recovering in Port Moresby. The force they encountered were IJA 55th Division & IJA 17th Army,South Seas Force. It sat on top his wardrobe until it was passed onto me 20 years ago. The handle appears to have been replaced at some point as hole in tang has been redrilled. No defining markings under the handle.
  15. I found this late Edo period sword on Ebay that is signed by Sanjo Munechika (三条宗近). I know Sanjo Munechika as a very famous smith from the Heian period, but couldn't find anything about this "late Edo Sanjo Munechika". I'm kind of confused and wonder if this sword is legit. Someone please educate me on this, would really appreciate any feedback. here is the Ebay link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/314058081007
  16. Hi everybody! I need your help with this blade it's a wakizashi in shirasaya skin, looks like shirasaya is new can someone help me understand more about it? Any information mentioned is appreciated! sincerely thank you
  17. I picked up a new addition today. Mumei Echizen Seki Group NTHK papered Wakizashi. The paperwork is from September 2006, and says the sword is estimated to be from 1704 to 1711 in the Shinto era, but a friend of mine seems to think it might be a bit older and possibly from the 1600s. The blade itself seems to be in old sasikomi polish and looks fantastic. It is missing the kojiri, but I will have a replacement made and fitted at a later time by a sayashi that was recommended to me. The kashira has a samurai on it, the menuki is a Koi fish on both sides, the fuchi has a depiction of a horse, the tsuba is an iron one which appears to be zogan tsuba. The saya, I'm not sure if Edo period or older, but appears to be nicely wrapped. I only see one small flaw on the blade, but it doesn't bother me much at all. The hamon and choji looks fantastic, but a bit hard to photograph, though, I tried my best in outside lighting. I think For the price paid, I think it's a very nice Wakizashi and I'm happy to have it in the collection. Once the sayashi added the kojiri, I will have him address the seppa on the tsuba to see if a tighter fit is possible. What do you guys think? Flickr album for the rest of the pictures: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzVffJ
  18. Blade is overall in good condition but can find some signs of scars and stain on the blade(see pictures, can be easily removed by polisher, no fatal damage). This is an antique made in hundreds of years ago. There are imperfections or blemishes due to aging. Please see the pictures for details. Mei(Signature): Unsigned Maker: Fujishima Tomoshige(3rd gen) 藤島友重 三代 Blade length: 59.5cm Blade Weight: 479.0g Age: Early Muromachi period 1394-1428 應永 [Accessories] Cloth Bag Shirasaya Certificate paper Fujishima is the name of a place in Echizen Province and it is said that the first generation of Tomoshige lived here first then moved to Kaga Province later. The founder of the Fujishima school was Tomoshige, a pupil of Rai Kunitoshi. His work dates to 1334-1338. Tomoshige line of smiths who had ten generations of the name during the Koto period and six generations up until the Shintoshinto period. Price: $2200 (include shipping cost if you live in the US) Open to offers
  19. An Edo Period Wakizashi made by Third-gen Izumi no Kami Rai Kinmichi和泉守来金道 with Shirasaya The third-gen Izumi no Kami Rai Kinmichi was forging blades in Kyoto in the early Edo period(Mid-Late 17 century).He was allowed to inscribe a chrysanthemum emblem, which is the symbol of the Japanese emperor. His sword-forging technique was so great that the emperor licensed him to use this emblem, which was quite honorable for any swordsmiths. Blade length: 54cm Sori : 0.9cm Weight: 514g SOLD Reasonable offers accepted, please PM if interested.
  20. I came across this on Ebay-Netherlands and thought it might be worth posting. A small engraving on the nakago. The following is copied from the items description...... "The image/symbol on the tang is ENGRAVED and NOT stamped into the metal. I am told that the figure engraved into the Tang is one of the seven gods of Japan. I am told it is the "Happy Buddah" and I've also been told it is of the god "Daikoku", or "Daikokuten", one of the seven Gods of good luck/fortune-for agriculture, farmers, and wealth. I have shown this blade to several acknowledged "experts"-all of whom want the blade but none of whom would/could tell me "specifics." " Never seen anything like that myself and thought it may be better under this thread than a new one....but relocate if you wish. For interest @Bruce Pennington Rob
  21. Having just seen a post about current shipping problems I am very aware of having just got this in time, (arrived yesterday)... and i no longer begrudge the shipping fee, which was more than the cost of the ensemble. I use the word advisedly because I have no idea if this package started life together or if it's just a collection of parts, assembled by the dealer. At the price paid, which was less than I would expect for any single item, saya, tsuka or tsuba I have no gripes or issues, though I would have liked the junk tsunagi to have arrived in one piece. Vendors photo's for the most part.
  22. I recently came across this eBay listing for a Wakizashi with a Rai school mei that the seller claims to be Rai Kuniyuki. I am not even a beginner at Kantei so would like to seek feedback from you all. Looking at the pictures, it seems clear to me that the Mei is not that of Kuniyuki 来國行 or any of the well-known Rai school smiths I can find. The second kanji may be mitsu 光, and the third kanji maybe kuni 國 (yet it doesn't match the signature styles of the Rai smiths for this character). The first two characters also appear very new if this is indeed a Koto. Other than that, the wide Suguha hamon and its extension pass the hamachi does indicate this is a suriage blade cut down by a lot, and perhaps the hamon does generally fit the Rai school style? It seems to me that the hamon is too straight/regular for this period though. Overall the blade is out of polish but not in bad condition I think, I would think this is a fake but again I am not experienced. Thought it would be a nice academic exercise to learn more about blades like this. The seller does have a negative feedback for refusing to deliver a sold sword in another eBay auction. Here's the link, with more pictures and measurements: https://www.ebay.com/itm/224705458005
  23. Dear NMB members: I am having a bit of difficulty with this mei and translation. Hopefully someone can help. It just came into my office yesterday from an 83 year old gentleman. I am wondering if it is "Something (no) Kami Norinao," or maybe "Tsuda Omi (no) Kami Sukenao." I cannot tell if the date is 1521 +3, or if the date side has a special made for name or invocation, or what. If you think it could be by this "Sukenao," does anyone have a legit mei by this smith for comparison? It came in shirasaya with horn parts on the mekugi peg and the koiguchi. The blade is kind of slender, with two-piece silver habaki. Any help is appreciated. Regards, Bill E. Sheehan (Yoshimichi)
  24. The sun-nobi tanto I just received arrived without a shirasaya. It does have a fairly nice koshirae. When I asked about having a shirasaya made while the blade was still in Japan, the vendor stated it already had one, but alas, it arrived dressed in its koshirae. So now I have a blade in need of a shirasaya, and I live in Canada. What is my best option for having one made? Thanks for any input you can provide.
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