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  1. Hello Gents, I'm offering my Jumyo Daisho for sale. Jumyo comes from a long line of sword smiths based in Mino province working in the Mino Tradition. 1st Generation Jumyo is said to originate from Yamato province, dating back to Einin (1293-1299). Swords from this smith are said to bring good luck and were commonly used as gifts. The workmanship in this daisho looks to be Sue-Koto or early Shinto period work. Irregular Midare, bold Mokume hada in areas. The Boshi is the real stand out. Both swords are ubu and signed "Jumyo". Nagasa: Daito 59.2cm Shoto 42.8cm Both of these swords are of wakizashi length. The daito being just 0.8 cm under katana length. This is a true daisho, not a mixed matched pair of swords. The workmanship and signatures on each sword are the same. They are both stored in high quality shira-saya with horn koiguchi and solid silver two piece habaki. Both swords are in an older state of polish and the shoto has some old oil stains. The daito has also had a small repair on the mune at some point. These swords would benefit greatly from a professional Japanese polish (sashi-komi would be best), new koshirae and papers if one so desired. That was my plan anyway, and still may be. I'm only posting this for sale ad for a few days due to some recent financial strain. If they don't sell in a few days I'm going to take this ad down and gladly keep them. I'm based in Canada. Depending on your location, I can work with the buyer a bit in regards to the shipping cost. A great opportunity to own a true daisho for a fair price. $3,500 USD. Best way to reach me is by email. Thank you. Travisclarke@telus.net
  2. I recently inherited this katana sword and would like to find out the history and age
  3. SOLD, thank you.
  4. This is just a quick general notice about major website update to my website (www.tsubaotaku.com) for August 2015. Here is a link to a newsletter detailing all the changes to my website. Please contact me if you have any questions. http://shoutout.wix.com/so/fKxW6A3S
  5. Collectors--I have 15 swords currently for sale. Photos and descriptions of the swords can be seen on my website: www.StCroixBlades.com. To see all of the swords, click on 'SHOP', then 'Japanese SWORDS'. I'll have room for a little price negotiation on most swords. I can be reached at mbrice@stcroixblades.com for any questions. Thank you!
  6. Major website site update for July 2015. Here is a link detailing all of the major changes to my website: http://shoutout.wix.com/so/5Kv5F-dx. Enjoy and if you have any questions contact me via my website as I don't log on here very often. Thank you.
  7. Here is a link to online newsletter about major updates to my website in June 2015: http://shoutout.wix.com/so/6KsqUYel#/main . Contact me though my website or on Facebook because I don't have time to come here very often. A link directly to me website is also below. Yours truly, David Stiles Tsuba Otaku http://www.tsubaotaku.com
  8. Gentlemen, I'd call this a rare opportunity to own a long ubu Kamakura tachi. The sword is ubu, and with a nagasa of 81.5 cm (32 inch) it has an imposing size. A Hoju school sword that has been awarded a Tokubetsu Hozon by the NBTHK. This is not an art sword, but a formidable weapon and a rare specimen of an ubu Kamakura tachi. The Hoju school from Oshu (Mutsu) has been producing highly functional weapons which, unlike other Japanese sword, withstood the harsh coldness of Northern Japan. The sword retains a grand sugata, although it has had it share of polishes, and it displays all the characteristic o-hada of Oshu-mono, the most visible of all being the standing out, large hada (o-hada, hadatatsu). It feels very heavy in hand. It is very likely that the nakago had originally a more pronounced curve so that the koshi zori was deeper. It has likely been hammered back during the Muromachi period (a theory of a Japanese sword smith who has seen this blade) The hada is somewhat coarse, as is typical for this school, and there will be small tate ware here and there, but nothing that detracts. The sword comes in a Japanese shirasaya and an old one piece copper habaki. My pictures are pretty bad, but at least you can see the hada and some parts of the hamon. In one of the pics you will see the tachi together with another Kamakura sword - a suriage daito with a 70 cm (27.5 inch) nagasa. That should give you an idea how long this sword is Nagasa: 81.5cm Sori: 2.2cm Motohaba: 3.15cm Sakihaba: 1.8cm Motogasane: 7.5mm Sakigasane: 4.5mm Nakago: ubu Mekugi: 1 Jidai: Kamakura Province: Oshu (Mutsu) Hamon: Suguha cho with ko-gunome Boshi: Yakizume with hakkikake Jitetsu: itame $9,000 plus shipping and PayPal fees. Find me a long and ubu Tokubetsu Hozon tachi for this price if you can Bank transfer welcome, payment schedule possible (don't be shy, ask). Guarantee: 3 days inspection period and if, for whatever reason, you are not happy with the sword, you can send it back for a full refund (minus actual shipping costs)
  9. Hi Everyone, This is just a general notice about the major update and changes to my website. Please PM or reply if you have any questions. Here is a short list of updates include links to the specific webpages. Added a NTHK papered Kanayama tsuba to the homepage. Added a complete write up for a large tadpole menuki set to the other Japanese sword fittings webpage. Updated the information on the contact webpage.
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